Using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), a user can use their G Suite credentials to sign in to enterprise cloud applications via Single Sign-On (SSO). An identity and access management (IAM) service provides administrators with a single place to manage all users and cloud applications. You don’t have to manage individual user IDs and passwords tied to individual cloud applications for each of your users. An IAM service provides your users with a unified sign-on across all their enterprise cloud applications. For more information, please visit Google’s Support page here.


This technology is ideal for project managers in ISKCON that would like to simplify login and access to their web and mobile applications, relying on ISKCON.NET’s directory for identity verification. We can help you to limit access to certain ISKCON.NET groups or organisations.


If you would like to use this technology, please email admin [at] iskcon [dot] net. State the name of your project, the name of the ISKCON authority under which you are serving, and provide technical details of your project. If your application is approved, we will configure it in G Suite Admin so that you can get started.


If you adopt SAML SSO via G Suite, you still need to handle account creation in your application for each ISKCON.NET member that you wish to give access. The SSO and SAML connection eliminates the need for separate logins, but it doesn’t handle account creation in your application.